Dassault Systemes just announced that Tom and Craig are co-hosting a presentation called “Oh Sh*t I Shouldn’t Have Done That!” It is going to be a class to teach you what to do when you shouldn’t have done what you did.
A “Must See” For All PDM Admin’s
Following the successful separate sessions they led last year, Tom and Craig are doing something that we have been wanting to do for years! For the first time ever, they are presenting a class together for all those who have watched their vault “catch fire” after hitting the enter button. “Oh Sh*t I Shouldn’t Have Done That” is a presentation for those of us who have made mistakes and would like to learn from them. Better yet, it is for all those who want to learn from someone else’s mistake!
Mistakes Were Made…
Tom and Craig will use examples from their years of experience (names withheld to protect the not so innocent). Concerned (and sometimes frantic) clients have called over the years with stories of mistakes and bad judgement calls that have led to major headaches. Sometimes the problem was initiated by a human. Sometimes it was a glitch in technology that left a company vulnerable. Tom and Craig have walked these clients through those difficult days, helping them recover from the issue or rebuild when there is no other good choice.
These experiences have given the ACS team a lot of insight into the inner complexity of many different CAD vaults. They know what works and what doesn’t. In addition to what experience has taught them, their dedication to continuing education has broadened their knowledge of PDM and SOLIDWORKS.
Wisdom and Experience
Tom Cote brings to the table over 40 years of experience in the CAD industry, cutting his teeth at none other than Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). He has been a CAD admin since the late 1980s and has been using SOLIDWORKS since 1996. He started Applied CAD Solutions in 2011 to use his extensive knowledge on behalf of the growing number of companies that are using SOLIDWORKS and PDM. He has started a few different SWUG groups and loves to help admins understand their vaults better!
Craig Lalumiere has been working in the industry for decades. He holds a degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering and has worked with SOLIDWORKS for over 20 years. He has worked at Applied CAD Solutions for over ten years. He has joined Tom in running a couple of SWUG groups, including co-founding the PDM SWUG several years ago. He has extensive experience with PDM administration and CAD design.
With a combined 60 years of experience, these two have some stories to tell and a lot of wisdom to impart. From incredible issue resolutions to a frank discussion of ways to protect your vault from yourself, this session promises to be an eye-opener.